

32 search results


Why we don’t do bonuses

28 August 2023
Do you enjoy reading Mark’s stories? Sign up for Mark’s monthly email and receive his stories to help your business grow right in your inbox. How do end of the year bonuses work? That’s a question that you as an entrepreneur that you surely have heard during an interview. And if you have sat on...

A meaningful business – Bringing the heart of your organization to life

Henriëtte Klijnstra
10 July 2023
Earning a bunch of money! That’s the goal of your business, right? In this blog, we discuss what it means to be a meaningful business and how you can become one. We will jog past the purpose, or the reason your business exists, and take a peek at how we want to work together, the...

An honest story about self-managing teams and organizations

7 June 2023
Do you enjoy reading Mark’s articles? Sign up for his founder’s newsletter now and stay up to date with his latest writings. At Voys, there’s no manager to be found. And it has been this way since the beginning in 2006. Nowadays we work with 150 colleagues in 4 countries. In this story I’ll share...